The intention of the Fathers of the American Constitution was to protect the rights and freedom of their people. |
Dear Ones,
Engaging in political matters without aligning with a specific party can be challenging for many individuals to comprehend. However, given the significance of this concept, our objective is to elucidate it by referencing the Baha'i scriptures and presenting some compelling examples.
First, in this survey, are the following two reminders from the House of Justice, the spiritual and administrative center of the BAHA'I FAITH.
It is a fundamental principle of the Bahá’í Faith that its followers strictly refrain from involvement in any partisan political activity, whether local, national or international. Bahá’ís view government as a system for maintaining the welfare and orderly progress of human society, and obedience to the laws of the land is a distinguishing feature of their beliefs.
Beware, beware lest the foul odor of the parties and peoples of foreign lands in the west, and their pernicious methods, such as intrigues, party politics and propaganda--practices which are abhorrent even in name--should ever reach the Bahá'í Community, exert any influence whatsoever upon the friends, and thus bring all spirituality to naught. The friends should, through their devotion, love, loyalty and altruism, abolish these evil practices, not imitate them. It is only after the friends completely ignore and sanctify themselves from these evils, that the spirit of God can penetrate and operate in the body of humanity, and in the Bahá'í Community. That political life everywhere has continued to deteriorate at an alarming rate in the intervening years, as the very conception of statesmanship has been drained of meaning, as policies have come to serve the economic interests of the few in the name of progress, as hypocrisy has been allowed to undermine the operation of social and economic structures, is evident. If indeed great effort was required for the friends to uphold the high standards of the Faith then, how much greater must be the exertion in a world that rewards dishonesty, that encourages corruption, and that treats truth as a negotiable commodity. Profound is the confusion that threatens the foundations of society, and unwavering must be the resolve of all those involved in Bahá’í activity, lest the slightest trace of self-interest becloud their judgement.
Baha'u'llah's appeal for political neutrality is primarily rooted in the widespread corruption present within the POLITICAL LANDSCAPE and its accompanying propaganda apparatus.
Let them refrain from associating themselves, whether by word or by deed, with the political pursuits of their respective nations, with the policies of their governments and the schemes and programs of parties and factions. In such controversies they should assign no blame, take no side, further no design, and identify themselves with no system prejudicial to the best interests of that world-wide Fellowship which it is their aim to guard and foster. Let them beware lest they allow themselves to become the tools of unscrupulous politicians, or to be entrapped by the treacherous devices of the plotters and the perfidious among their countrymen. Let them so shape their lives and regulate their conduct that no charge of secrecy, of fraud, of bribery or of intimidation may, however ill-founded, be brought against them. Let them rise above all particularism and partisanship, above the vain disputes, the petty calculations, the transient passions that agitate the face, and engage the attention, of a changing world. [...] Let them affirm their unyielding determination to stand, firmly and unreservedly, for the way of Bahá'u'lláh, to avoid the entanglements and bickerings inseparable from the pursuits of the politician, and to become worthy agencies of that Divine Polity which incarnates God's immutable Purpose for all men.
The inherent limitations of science and politics regarding the Word of God encourage us to ground our political decisions and viewpoints in Revelation. By doing so, we can avoid the influence of special interests, fluctuating opinions, and contentious debates commonly associated with the former two realms, which often seek to undermine righteous policies. It is imperative that we refrain from supporting individuals or initiatives that advocate for legislation that contradicts God's commandments. Baha'u'llah's admonition is unequivocal.
Know thou for a certainty that whoso disbelieveth in God is neither trustworthy nor truthful. This, indeed, is the truth, the undoubted truth. He that acteth treacherously towards God will, also, act treacherously towards his king. Nothing whatever can deter such a man from evil, nothing can hinder him from betraying his neighbour, nothing can induce him to walk uprightly.The truth is that certainty has become elusive for individuals regarding various matters, except religious tenets. This uncertainty is exacerbated by the MEDIA, which persistently disseminates falsehoods, partial truths, fears, and biases, thereby obscuring the fundamental issues from the public. Instead, they amplify the "deranged dreams" of the political parties to which they are beholden, regardless of their names or ideological leanings. Allow the Baha'i Guardian to express his views.
The chief idols in the desecrated temple of mankind are none other than the triple gods of Nationalism, Racialism and Communism, at whose altars governments and peoples, whether democratic or totalitarian, at peace or at war, of the East or of the West, Christian or Islamic, are, in various forms and in different degrees, now worshiping. Their high priests are the politicians and the worldly-wise, the so-called sages of the age; their sacrifice, the flesh and blood of the slaughtered multitudes; their incantations outworn shibboleths and insidious and irreverent formulas; their incense, the smoke of anguish that ascends from the lacerated hearts of the bereaved, the maimed, and the homeless.What approach should one adopt? As reported by the Guardian, the answer lies in Pacific Resistance.
The friends must at all times bear in mind that they are in a way like soldiers under attack. The world is at present in an exceedingly dark condition spiritually; hatred and prejudice of every sort are literally tearing it to pieces. We, on the other hand, are the custodians of the opposite forces, the forces of love, of unity, of peace and integration [...] Love for each other, the deep sense that we are a new organism, the dawn-breakers of a new World Order, must constantly animate our Bahá’í lives, and we must pray to be protected from the contamination of society which is so diseased with prejudices.
In whatever country they reside, Bahá’ís strive to promote the welfare of society. They are enjoined to work alongside their compatriots in fostering fellowship and unity and in establishing peace and justice. They seek to uphold their own rights, as well as the rights of others, through whatever legal means are available to them, conducting themselves at all times with honesty and integrity. They eschew conflict and dissension. They avoid contest for worldly power.
Universal education, freedom of movement, access to information, and the opportunity to participate in political life are all aspects of its operation that require explicit guarantee by the international community. The same is true of freedom of thought and belief, including religious liberty, along with the right to hold opinions and express these opinions appropriately.Abdu'l-Baha, our exemplary figure, dedicated a significant portion of His life to embodying these principles, earning the respect of both supporters and adversaries. Similarly, Dr. Payam Akavan, an inspiring human rights attorney within the Bahá'í community, urges us to take meaningful ACTION.
For your convenience, three informative documents are accessible online for a more in-depth examination of this matter.
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