Where the highest aspiration is
for spirituality and union with God.

The city of Haifa at night,
from terrace 9/19 of the Bahá'í World Center,
above the Shrine of the Bab.

(photo by BahaiPictures.com)

Dear Angels,

Launched on May 23, 2013 as an individual initiative to provide an opportunity to explore Baha'i teachings and Baha'i community activities through a personal lens, as advocated by the Baha'i Internet Agency, it is our sincere hope that BAHA'I SPIRITUALITY - BLOG will be an inspiring space for all of you.

If you are
brand new to the Baha'i world, this
INFORMATION page will provide all the basics you are looking for, while the official views or positions of the Baha'i institutions are best found at BAHAI.ORG.

Otherwise, if you are seeking for
unique and inspiring resources to uplift your spirit and soul, the GENERAL section will surely delight you, while SPIRITUALITY is the ideal place to seek nourishment for an ever greater progress in loving God and serving mankind. 
MYSTICISM, for its part, delivers the most revered knowledge of self-development, whereas the feeling of spiritual communion with God is especially nurtured through our online devotional programs celebrating BAHA'I ANNIVERSARIES.  
True faith expressed with practical feet only, the SOCIO-ECONOMY section explores how some of today's critical human problems can be easily corrected in God's way.

So please, feel free to visit and SHARE these pages which are in the sweet memory of our dear religious brother, Jalal Nakhjavani.

Be wonderfully blessed !