
          because thought and speech are not restricted,
          the greatest progress is witnessed.

- Abdu'l-Baha -

Dear Angels,

As evolved beings and HUMAN RIGHTS advocates, there is something very important to consider right now, wherever we live.

As many of you know, the ramifications of shadow governments, those who influence government policy behind the scenes, are global and control major aspects of human life, from health, communication, education, science, art, agriculture, industry, to the entire global economy.  Working at the highest levels of society and global governance, the intent of these
shadow governments is to achieve a highly distorted goal of world domination, clearly in opposition to the Baha'i Declaration of Human Obligations and Rights presented in 1947, one year before the Baha'i International Community registered as an NGO, Declaration which advocate for "the establishment of a world commonwealth uniting all nations, races, creeds and classes and safeguarding the autonomy of its state members and the personal freedom and initiative of the individuals that compose them."

Explaining it further, the Guardian says: 

Its purpose is neither to stifle the flame of a sane and intelligent patriotism in men’s hearts, nor to abolish the system of national autonomy so essential if the evils of excessive centralization are to be avoided. It does not ignore, nor does it attempt to suppress, the diversity of ethnical origins, of climate, of history, of language and tradition, of thought and habit, that differentiate the peoples and nations of the world. It calls for a wider loyalty, for a larger aspiration than any that has animated the human race. It insists upon the subordination of national impulses and interests to the imperative claims of a unified world. It repudiates excessive centralization on one hand, and disclaims all attempts at uniformity on the other. Its watchword is unity in diversity.
Fortunately, something very positive and vital to our future emerged and is winning the day.  Let me explain it briefly.

As far as I know personally, an ultimate movement toward freedom and self-determination for the people of the world was initiated some years ago by an international group, called the Alliance, teaming up with elements of the U.S. military to
gather and share high-level military intelligence to get rid, once and for all, of the dark entities enslaving the world. Through the online support of millions of citizens from various walks of life helping to thwart mainstream media disinformation, millions more around the world awakened to the forbidden truths and to the war being waged on planet earth between the forces of darkness and the forces of light. So much so that by mid-summer 2018, this information warfare, coupled with some Alliance's military operations, began to counter the questionable designs of these self-appointed overlords.

In my opinion, such an outpouring of positive energy from citizens of all walks of life and beliefs represents a great step towards America's involvement in the Lesser Peace process.  For, as we have been told and as this global mobilization clearly demonstrates: 
[...] the discussions about the future of the international order must involve and excite the generality of humankind. This discussion is so important that it cannot be confined to leaders [...] On the contrary, this conversation must engage women  and men at the grassroots level. Broad participation will make the process self-reinforcing by raising awareness of world citizenship and increase support for an expanded international order.
An international order that will respect, sooner or later, and partly because of this patriotic commitment, the divine intentions and DESIGN, as we are urgently called to do by the Guardian:
The present condition of the world—its economic instability, social dissensions, political dissatisfaction and international distrust—should awaken the youth from their slumber and make them enquire what the future is going to bring. It is surely they who will suffer most if some calamity sweeps over the world. They should therefore open their eyes to the existing conditions, study the evil forces that are at play and then with a concerted effort arise and bring about the necessary reforms—reforms that shall contain within their scope the spiritual as well as social and political phases of human life.

Considering each of these points, our best and most urgent contribution to international peace, at this moment in time, might be to PRAY fervently for America, THE PEACEMAKER. For, as the Universal House of Justice has predicted, what is verifiable:

It should not be imagined that the processes now moving in the world will be free from challenge or difficulty. There may well be set-backs, and conflicts may erupt periodically, as humanity proceeds towards the emergence and consolidation of the Lesser Peace, giving rise in due course to the establishment of the Most Great Peace.

But in the end, God WINS!

Be wonderfully blessed!


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