Bring thyself to account each day
Bring thyself to account each day
ere thou art
summoned to a reckoning;
for death, unheralded, shall come upon thee
for death, unheralded, shall come upon thee
and thou shalt be called
to give account for thy deeds.
to give account for thy deeds.
- Baha'u'llah -
Dear Ones,
With a radiant smile and an open heart, you are invited to discover how the Bahá’í teachings transform death into a joyful spiritual celebration, while near-death experiences enchant us with visions of bright tunnels, infinite love, and life evaluations, like those of Reinee Pasarow, whose extraordinary accounts inspire hope. These moments, including some others’ challenging visions of demonic figures and hellish torments, encourage us to explore with curiosity our inner reality, our path to God, and our return to Him, guided by beautiful Bahá’í prayers, with a warm invitation to joyfully clarify any questions about Christ. Welcome in!
There is today a vast repertoire of testimonies of "near-death experiences" (NDEs), increased more recently by the improvement of cardiac resuscitation techniques, and the interest of new scientific researchers for the phenomenon. Associations such as IANDS guarantee the reality of these experiences, categorizing them according to well-established scientific criteria. Reinee Pasarow, an American woman who died three times, was one of their most studied subjects because of the extraordinary length and depth of her experience while still a teenager. She has had multiple sclerosis since childhood, and it is with emotion and great sincerity that we hear her deliver, some time before her final DEPARTURE, the content of that mysterious and glorious JOURNEY into the life of the soul.
The assessment of one's earthly existence, and the joy or sadness it brings to oneself and to others, is an almost constant result of an NDE. Just like entering the tunnel at the end of which an incredibly intense white light and unconditional love transforms the heart forever. Of course, this was also the case for Reinee, but her observations went far beyond what is generally reported, hence their unique interest.
The following excerpts and prayers from the Bahá'í Writings are intended to help answer these questions.
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A remark is in order here. The popular belief that heaven is an inevitable result of death is increasingly contradicted by the testimonies of negative NDEs. Admittedly, we hear about them less often because of their impact on the reputation of those who deliver them, but their experience is just as real. In fact, these people did not see celestial beings or taste celestial pleasures, but rather saw demonic figures and experienced hellish torments, apparently created by a lower state of consciousness; torments that they describe with a flood of images and convincing words. They may not have had access to or followed the higher truths that guarantee eternal happiness, but whatever form this supreme experience takes, at that moment of pure consciousness, the observer and the observed merge in such a way that Reality itself becomes manifest.
Let us now consider some philosophical questions, if you will:
What is this evanescent and inner reality that seems to coexist with our visible being?
What is its purpose?
Who and what guides us to the highest, most luminous path?
Is the temporary state of omniscience experienced by some "experiencers" a reality?
Will every soul return to the Creator and if so, by what means, beliefs and practices?
Let us now consider some philosophical questions, if you will:
What is this evanescent and inner reality that seems to coexist with our visible being?
What is its purpose?
Who and what guides us to the highest, most luminous path?
Is the temporary state of omniscience experienced by some "experiencers" a reality?
Will every soul return to the Creator and if so, by what means, beliefs and practices?
The following excerpts and prayers from the Bahá'í Writings are intended to help answer these questions.
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Our meaning is that the life of the Kingdom is the
life of the spirit, and that it is eternal and sanctified above time and place,
even as the human spirit, which is placeless. For were you to search throughout
the human body, you would be unable to find a specific place or location for
the spirit. The spirit is absolutely placeless and immaterial, but it has a
connection with the body, even as the sun has a connection with this mirror:
The sun occupies no place within the mirror, but it has a connection with it.
In the same way, the world of the Kingdom is sanctified above all that can be
seen by the eye or perceived by the other senses, such as hearing, smell,
taste, or touch.
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It is manifest that beyond this material body, man is endowed with another reality which is the world of exemplars constituting the heavenly body of man.
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The spirit of man alone penetrates the realities of God and partakes of the divine bounties.
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When the human soul soareth out of this transient heap of dust and riseth into the world of God, then veils will fall away, and verities will come to light, and all things unknown before will be made clear, and hidden truths be understood.
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The reward and punishment, heaven and hell, requital and retribution for actions done in this present life, will stand revealed in that other world beyond.
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The Prophets and Messengers of God have been sent down for the sole purpose of guiding mankind to the straight Path of Truth. The purpose underlying Their revelation hath been to educate all men, that they may, at the hour of death, ascend, in the utmost purity and sanctity and with absolute detachment, to the throne of the Most High.
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The progress of man’s spirit in the divine world, after the severance of its connection with the body of dust, is through the bounty and grace of the Lord alone, or through the intercession and the sincere prayers of other human souls, or through the charities and important good works which are performed in its name.
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For all the luminous souls passionately attached to the divinity during their earthly existence, and also for those who, although liberated from our realm, are still struggling on the Path, these beautiful prayers are offered:
O my God! O my God! Verily Thy servant, humble before the majesty of Thy divine supremacy, lowly at the door of Thy oneness, hath believed in Thee and in Thy verses, hath testified to Thy word, hath been enkindled with the fire of Thy love, hath been immersed in the depths of the ocean of Thy knowledge, hath been attracted by Thy breezes, hath relied upon Thee, hath turned his face to Thee, hath offered his supplications to Thee, and hath been assured of Thy pardon and forgiveness. He hath abandoned this mortal life and hath flown to the kingdom of immortality, yearning for the favour of meeting Thee.
O GOD our Lord! Protect us through Thy grace from whatsoever may be repugnant unto Thee and vouchsafe unto us that which well beseemeth Thee. Give us more out of Thy bounty and bless us. Pardon us for the things we have done and wash away our sins and forgive us with Thy gracious forgiveness. Verily Thou art the Most Exalted, the Self-Subsisting.
In closing... If Pasarow's testimony ever raised the "Christ is the only way" objection in you, please refer to this PAGE for clarification.
Be wonderfully blessed!
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Be wonderfully blessed!
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