«[...] the unspeakably glorious destiny
ordained for it by the
Almighty [...]»
Dear Ones,
Over the past two centuries, humanity has faced trials that echo the warnings of ages past - a tempest of crisis swelling with every decade. Yet, within this storm, a promise gleams: the unity of all peoples, a vision cradled in the words of the prophets, within which is this one : America will rise anew!
Largely because of her future position as the spirituel leader of the world, some startling BAHA'I PROPHECIES allowed the world to know that America will be the herald of events "that will adorn the pages of history"!
...the continent of America is, in the eyes of the one true God, the land wherein the splendours of His light shall be revealed, where the mysteries of His Faith shall be unveiled, the home of the righteous and the gathering-place of the free.
Let's take a closer look.
Among the amazing predictions of America's divinely inspired mission is this imposed obligation:
Among the amazing predictions of America's divinely inspired mission is this imposed obligation:
[…] to exorcise forever, in conjunction with its sister nations of both the East and the West, the greatest curse which, from time immemorial, has afflicted and degraded the human race.Surprising and hermetic as this statement may seem, wasn't it from the time of Adam and Eve, and then from the time of the prophet Enoch, Noah's great-grandfather, that humanity was warned to stay away from the proposals of perfidious souls under demonic influence, as we can clearly see today under many disguises, names and titles? Enoch's ancient voice actually foretold the end of these shadowy powers, which are actually crumbling like dust before our very eyes!
The following first chapter of the Book of Enoch, which emphatically speaks of "who will live in the days of tribulation," is surprisingly revealing about this "greatest curse," about who set it up and by whom it will be defeated within the last generations, our generation! Is it not absolutely astounding to witness how these long-conceived plans for the past, present, and future defeat of mankind are being skillfully dismantled, one by one, and by none other than the predicted America?
The words of the blessing of Enoch, by which he blessed the elect and the righteous, who shall live in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and ungodly shall be removed. And he took up his parable, and said, Enoch, a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard all things, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one that is to come.
As for the elect, I said, and took up my parable concerning them: The Holy Great One shall come forth from His dwelling place, and the Eternal God shall tread upon the earth, upon Mount Sinai, and shall appear in the power of His might from the heaven of heavens.
And all will be struck with fear, and the Watchers will tremble, and great fear and trembling will seize them to the ends of the earth. And the lofty mountains shall be shaken, and the high hills shall be made low, and shall melt like wax before the flame. And the earth shall be rent asunder, and all that is upon the earth shall perish: and there shall be judgment upon all men.
But with the righteous He will make peace, and He will protect the elect, and mercy shall be upon them. And they shall all belong to God, and they shall prosper, and they shall all be blessed. And He will help them all, and light will appear to them, and He will make peace with them.
And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones to execute judgment upon all, and to destroy all the ungodly, and to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.
Such a gigantic war against the entrenched enemies of humanity, my Friends, could only be organized and now won by divine will and assistance, so advanced is the degree to which the four elements, earth, fire, air and water are used by such dark forces to destroy humanity.
For our own sake, let us recognize the unique day we are in, the Day of Divine Justice, as ascertained by BAHA'U'LLAH, who IS the Holy Great One spoken of up here by Enoch! Hear Him now convey the steady renewal of such deeply wounded civilizations as our modern world has become, and be ever grateful for this divine intervention :
And so are the Deep State's towers trembling, its roots unmoored by whispers of truth. What flame have you or will you rekindle in this dream, following this glorious path? Do you remember the first inaugural speech of our modern-day Spartacus? God be praised, he finally won the last game, now relentlessly fulfilling his promises to keep not only America, - shining as a glorious beacon - but the World safe at last, the old towers of greed sway, unsteady :
For our own sake, let us recognize the unique day we are in, the Day of Divine Justice, as ascertained by BAHA'U'LLAH, who IS the Holy Great One spoken of up here by Enoch! Hear Him now convey the steady renewal of such deeply wounded civilizations as our modern world has become, and be ever grateful for this divine intervention :
In a significant part, this final war is an INFORMATION WARFARE waged by courageous citizens using the weapons provided by the Internet to counter the lies and spread the Truth, God Almighty using "both the mighty and the lowly as pawns in his world-shaping game, for the fulfillment of his immediate purpose and the eventual establishment of his kingdom on earth."...in every age and century, as he desireth, the unique hidden one and the eternal essence manifesteth that true river and real Sea and causeth it to flow, adorning it with a new temple and a new vesture. All those structures of vain imaginings and palaces of the ungodly are then swept away and destroyed in its waters.
Bestir yourselves, O peoples, in anticipation of the days of Divine justice, for the promised hour is now come. Beware lest ye fail to apprehend its import and be accounted among the erring...
And so are the Deep State's towers trembling, its roots unmoored by whispers of truth. What flame have you or will you rekindle in this dream, following this glorious path? Do you remember the first inaugural speech of our modern-day Spartacus? God be praised, he finally won the last game, now relentlessly fulfilling his promises to keep not only America, - shining as a glorious beacon - but the World safe at last, the old towers of greed sway, unsteady :
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements, but always pursue solidarity. When America is united, America is totally unstoppable. There should be no fear. We are protected, and we will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. And most importantly, we will be protected by God.
The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action. Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America. We will not fail…
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease and to harness the industries and technologies of tomorrow.
- Donald J. Trump
God is great! America is playing its active ROLE in the above-mentioned events to a staggering degree. Here's a look at its PERFORMANCE in just one month!
Be wonderfully blessed !
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