O God!
Protect these CHILDREN.
Be it behind Hollywood's sparkling drapes or in the dark streets of the megacities, the haunting cries of despair of the abused and ended children are even heard in our dreams these days!
Be it behind Hollywood's sparkling drapes or in the dark streets of the megacities, the haunting cries of despair of the abused and ended children are even heard in our dreams these days!
It grieves our hearts to realize that in so many parts of the world children are employed as soldiers, exploited as labourers, sold into virtual slavery, forced into prostitution, made the objects of pornography, abandoned by parents centred on their own desires, and subjected to other forms of victimization too numerous to mention.Therefore, what can we possibly do to best counter the atrocities we are hearing the description of wherever we turn our gaze?
- The Universal House of Justice
Before all else, throw into the sea of their anguish and pain, the following spiritual lifeline, imploring the Lord to put an end to these idolaters terrorizing our children on the altar of their dark passions. However, for the following supplication to be most effective, it has to be repeated nine (9) times with a detached spirit, recommends its Author, Baha'u'llah :
O Thou Everlasting Root! By the life of Baha, deprive them not of hope, nay rather aid and assist them. Verily, Thou rulest as Thou pleasest and within Thy grasp lie the Kingdom of Creation. The fangs of Thine enemies have been whetted, ready to bite the flesh of Thy friends. Protect these companions, O Thou who rulest over all humankind and art the judge on the Day of Judgement.
At times, you might prefer to hear it in the language in which it was revealed, with this poignant voice.
In the face of darkness, there is always hope for redemption and transformation by addressing the underlying issues that contribute to such acts, their root causes, by fostering a culture of education, moral development and spiritual growth that will transform the social order in accordance with God's laws and the natural order.
But how is the spiritual conundrum posed by such depraved acts to be resolved? Praise be to God, the solution is offered to us in the following stance from the Baha'i Writings:
As to the subject of babes and infants and weak ones who are afflicted by the hands of oppressors: This contains great wisdom and this subject is of paramount importance. In brief, for those souls there is a recompense in another world and many details are connected with this matter. For those souls that suffering is the greatest mercy of God. Verily that mercy of the Lord is far better and preferable to all the comfort of this world and the growth and development of this place of mortality. If it be the will of God, when thou shalt be present this will be explained in detail by word of mouth.To the intention of the grieving parents and all of us, so profoundly affected by these unimaginable acts of cruelty, these words of a defunct child informing his parents about his heavenly conditions, encouraging them to remain confident in the absolute divine equity.
O thou kind Mother, thank divine Providence that I have been freed from a small and gloomy cage and, like the birds of the meadows, have soared to the divine world--a world which is spacious, illumined, and ever gay and jubilant. Therefore, lament not, O Mother, and be not grieved; I am not of the lost, nor have I been obliterated and destroyed. I have shaken off the mortal form and have raised my banner in this spiritual world. Following this separation is everlasting companionship. Thou shalt find me in the heaven of the Lord, immersed in an ocean of light.Secondly, we must PRAY for America and all the brave warriors dedicating their lives to restore law and order in the land, asking God to keep His children safe, like He did for the ancient Babylonian captives.
- Abdu'l-Baha
Be wonderfully blessed!
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