The Sphinx at Giza
by David Roberts
Dear Ones,
the past two centuries, a tide of crises has swelled, each wave
crashing louder against the shores of our time. Yet beneath this tumult,
a prophecy stirs – Enoch’s ancient voice, ringing through the ages,
foretelling the end of shadowed powers crumbling like dust before the
wind. In its wake, the millennial promise unfurls: an era of glory,
radiant and near.
The Book of Genesis conveys that Enoch (Hermes), the great-grandfather of Noah
and a remarkable miracle-worker, succeeded Adam as a divine prophet in
the seventh generation. He is credited with founding Sabeanism, the
first divine religion to govern humanity.
Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh. At that time people began to call on the name of the Lord.
The Qur'an additionally emphasizes the significance of this illustrious prophet.
And mention in the Book, Idris. Indeed, he was a man of truth and a prophet. And We raised him to a high station.
In His tablet entitled The Uncompounded Reality, BAHA'U'LLAH undeniably confirmed Enoch's status:
The first person
who devoted himself to philosophy was Idrís. Thus was he named. Some called him
also Hermes. In every tongue he hath a special name. He it is who hath set forth
in every branch of philosophy thorough and convincing statements. After him Balínús
derived his knowledge and sciences from the Hermetic Tablets and most of the
philosophers who followed him made their philosophical and scientific discoveries
from his words and statements.
As a celestial envoy, Enoch bequeathed an essential manuscript known as
the Book of Enoch, which offers profound insights into the beginnings
and ultimate fate of humanity. This remarkable prophecy concerning the
end times anticipates a Great Tribulation, during which the earth will
be purged of all who have corrupted it, facilitating the transfer of
knowledge and authority to the "righteous," a prophecy echoed in the
Book of Jude.
Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to
execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among
them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed...
In THIS location, one may listen to the initial chapter of the Book of
Enoch, while the SUBSEQUENT one, along with CHAPTER 38 and onward, also warrant thorough examination.
The Prophet also bequeathed to us the Emerald Tablets, a document that
unveils ancient mysteries. In this work, the scientist, magician, and
engineer asserts that he has defied the law of gravity and constructed
the Great Pyramid of Egypt, complete with its concealed chambers, prior
to the creation of the Great Sphinx. The notion that the stones were
levitated is entirely plausible, considering their extraordinary weight
and precision, as well as the vastness and intricacy of this monumental
had Enoch seen the fall of tyrants, the deep shadows undone, and a dawn
where the earth sings anew. We, the last generations, perch on this
razor’s edge of history. Lest we falter and miss the Ark of Salvation,
we must cast off prejudice, cradle peace, and step boldly into the
light, for the soil beneath us trembles with longing – and we, its
keepers, hold the keys to its golden REBIRTH.
Be wonderfully blessed !
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