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« ...the denunciations which have been uttered against this resplendent Light... » - Baha'u'llah |
O army of God! When calamity striketh, be ye patient and composed. However afflictive your sufferings may be, stay ye undisturbed, and with perfect confidence in the abounding grace of God, brave ye the tempest of tribulations and fiery ordeals.
- Abdu'l-Baha
Is there any remover of difficulties save God ? Say : Praised be God ! He is God ! All are his servants and all abide by His bidding!So soothing when repeated and repeated...
Dear Angels,
For a peaceful moment during your time of pain and worry, each of the following mantras correspond to a special effect and tradition. About the first one, we were told :
The Greatest Name should be found upon the lips in the first awakening moment of early dawn. It should be fed upon by constant use in daily invocation, in trouble, under opposition, and should be the last word breathed when the head rests upon the pillow at night. It is the name of comfort, protection, happiness, illumination, love and unity.YA BAHA'U'L-ABHA - The Baha'i mantra
THE ART OF ZEN - A way of life
OM HARI OM - Its meaning and benefits
First, in this list of suggested Baha'i prayers, two short invocations to memorize and to recite in times of extreme need, danger or crisis:
1) YA ALLAH-EL-MUSTAGHATH! (O Thou God Who art invoked)
2) «In times of natural phenomena which cause fear, such as earthquake... say "Dominion is
God's, the Lord of the seen and the unseen, the Lord of creation."»
3) «If thou desirest to be freed from affliction, said Baha'u'llah, recite thou this prayer which hath been revealed by the Pen of the All-Merciful:
O God, my God! I testify to Thy unity and to Thy oneness, I beseech Thee, O Thou Possessor of names and Fashioner of the heavens, by the pervasive influence of Thine exalted Word and the potency of Thy supreme Pen, to aid me with the ensigns of Thy power and might, and to protect me from the mischief of Thine enemies who have violated Thy Covenant and Thy Testament. Thou art, verily, the Almighty, the Most Powerful.
This invocation is an impregnable stronghold and an indomitable army. It conferreth protection and ensureth deliverance.»
4) Now, hear this poignant voice interpreting YA MALEK AL ASMA, a prayer to be recited 9 times in behalf of souls persecuted for their faith:
4) Now, hear this poignant voice interpreting YA MALEK AL ASMA, a prayer to be recited 9 times in behalf of souls persecuted for their faith:
O Thou Everlasting Root! By the life of Baha, deprive them not of hope, nay rather aid and assist them. Verily, Thou rulest as Thou pleasest and within Thy grasp lie the Kingdom of Creation. The fangs of Thine enemies have been whetted, ready to bite the flesh of Thy friends. Protect these companions, O Thou who rulest over all Humankind and art the judge on the Day of Judgement.
5) Here is a short PRAYER FOR DECISION to be recited 19 times, followed by meditation on the
problem, the formulation of a solution, and implementation of the
conceived solution:
6) Listen, cry... and be comforted! Listen to this beautifully interpreted PRAYER FOR THE DEPARTED by artist Walter Heath.Thou seest me, O my God, detached from all save Thee and cleaving unto Thee. Guide me, then, in all mine affairs unto that which profiteth me for the glory of Thy Cause and the loftiness of the station of Thy loved ones.
7) The LONG HEALING PRAYER and the FIRE TABLET may represent the most powerful vibrations available through their appeal to the Holy Names of God.
8) Lastly and for your convenience, two playlists that might be of great help as well: Time for PRAISE and Time for WORSHIP.
But let's remember that praying without making the necessary changes is the same as ignoring God's wisdom...
Be wonderfully blessed!
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