The pathway leading to
the Shrine of Baha'u'llah in Bahji, Israel.

Dear Angels,

The Prophet Baha'u'llah (The Glory of God), the founder of the Baha'i Faith, was born on 12 November 1817, as Mírza Ḥusayn-Alí Nurí, into a noble family in Nur, Persia. His father, Mírza Abbas, held the position of vizier at the Shah's court.  Extensive historical research has established that He was descended not only from Zoroaster and the Sassanid kings of Persia, but also from Abraham through His third wife, Katurah.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates;
Even lift them up, ye everlasting doors. 
And the King of glory shall come in. 
Who is this King of glory? 
The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory.

- Psalm 24:10
In all the great religions, a day of profound significance is foretold, a time of reckoning. In this regard, the Qur'an informs believers that:
There is no piety in turning your faces toward the east or toward the west, but he is pious who believeth in God and the Last Day.
As the most recent revelation after Muhammad, the Baha'i Faith fulfills, through the Prophet Baha'u'llah, the messianic prophecies of these earlier religions, expected under the following Names:
- In Buddhism as the Fifth Buddha
- In Judaism as the Everlasting Father

- In Christianity as the return of Christ in the glory of    the Father

- In Zoroastrianism as Shah Bahram

- In Shia Islam as the return of the Twelfth Imam

- In Sunni Islam as Jesus returned

- In the Babi Faith as He whom God shall make manifest

Of Him, Isaiah said:
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end...

Muhammad appealed to the believers in God to recognize the pearless Beauty appearing in the last day.

Verily, they who believe (Muslims), and they who follow the Jewish religion, and the Christians, and the Sabeites whoever of these believeth in God and the last day, and doeth that which is right, shall have their reward with their Lord: fear shall not come upon them, neither shall they be grieved.
He said further:
To him who hopeth to attain the Presence of God, the set time of God will surely come. And He is the Hearer, the Knower.
Yes! Every believer truly faithful to the divine teachings will undoubtedly recognize the MOST GREAT NAME, the Messiah of the Last Days Who declared that «
If one speck of a jewel be lost and buried beneath a mountain of stones, and lie hidden beyond the seven seas, the Hand of Omnipotence will assuredly reveal it in this day, pure and cleansed from dross. »

But who is He? A Manifestation of incomparable grandeur!  Listen to the praises pronounced by the Bab, His glorious Predecessor, Who attributed to Him this Name, Baha'u'llah:

The glory of Him Whom God shall make manifest is immeasurably above every other glory, and His majesty is far above every other majesty. His beauty excelleth every other embodiment of beauty, and His grandeur immensely exceedeth every other manifestation of grandeur. Every light paleth before the radiance of His light, and every other exponent of mercy falleth short before the tokens of  His mercy. Every other perfection is as naught in face of His consummate perfection, and every other display of might is as nothing before His absolute might. His names are superior to all other names. His good-pleasure taketh precedence over any other expression of good-pleasure. His pre-eminent exaltation is far above the reach of every other symbol of exaltation. The splendour of His appearance far surpasseth that of any other appearance. His divine concealment is far more profound than any other concealment. His loftiness is immeasurably above every other loftiness. His gracious favour is unequalled by any other evidence of favour. His power transcendeth every power. His sovereignty is invincible in the face of every other sovereignty. His celestial dominion is exalted far above every other dominion. His knowledge pervadeth all created things, and His consummate power extendeth over all beings.

Be wonderfully blessed!


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