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The seat of the Universal House of Justice, Haifa, Israel No light can compare with the light of justice. The establishment of order in the world and the tranquillity of the nations depend upon it.
- Abdu'l-Baha - |
Dear Ones,
Consider this for a moment: When justice falters, peace collapses, words that probe the roots of an ancient imbalance: the absence of a just Order, the reason why an influential historian, Arnold Toynbee, attributed the fall of past civilizations to four primary factors: oppressive taxation, the deterioration of agricultural practices, political corruption, and a general decline in moral values.
Prior to addressing the issues surrounding peace and potential solutions, let us reflect on the recent decades of governance through some poignant excerpts from the Baha'i international administrative body, found in THE PROMISE OF WORLD PEACE, a keen critique of the ideology underpinning contemporary corporate capitalism which:
[...] callously abandon starving millions to the operations of a market system that all too clearly is aggravating the plight of the majority of mankind, while enabling small sections to live in a condition of affluence scarcely dreamed of by our forebears.It also holds these leaders responsible for the dire living conditions they have contributed to for the majority of humanity over an extended period.
The time has come when those who preach the dogmas of materialism, whether of the east or the west, whether of capitalism or socialism, must give account of the moral stewardship they have presumed to exercise. Where is the "new world" promised by these ideologies? Where is the international peace to whose ideals they proclaim their devotion? Where are the breakthroughs into new realms of cultural achievement produced by the aggrandizement of this race, of that nation or of a particular class? Why is the vast majority of the world's peoples sinking ever deeper into hunger and wretchedness when wealth on a scale undreamed of by the Pharaohs, the Caesars, or even the imperialist powers of the nineteenth century is at the disposal of the present arbiters of human affairs?To encourage contemplation on the role of justice as a foundation for peace, several additional Baha'i statements, that may capture the interest of thoughtful individuals, are presented here. These statements, through their acknowledgment of the unity of God, the unity of faith and the unity of humanity, explore four significant dimensions of justice, tying faith to action and yearning for a balance too long delayed, justice absent snuffing out peace. To embrace these principles wholeheartedly would enable us to manifest them as positive actions in each our environment.
Baha'u'llah taught that an equal standard of human rights must be recognized and adopted. In the estimation of God all men are equal; there is no distinction or preferment for any soul in the dominion of His justice and equity.
- Abdu'l-Baha
We ask God to endow human souls with justice so that they may be fair, and may strive to provide for the comfort of all, that each member of humanity may pass his life in the utmost comfort and welfare. Then this material world will become the very paradise of the Kingdom, this elemental earth will be in a heavenly state and all the servants of God will live in the utmost joy, happiness and gladness. We must all strive and concentrate all our thoughts in order that such happiness may accrue to the world of humanity.
- Abdu'l-Baha
True social advancement is made possible when every member of society can trust that they are protected by standards and assured of benefits that apply equally to all. The realization of justice is dependent upon participation by all social actors.
- The Baha'i International Community
Unlike the nations and peoples of the earth, be they of the East or of the West, democratic or authoritarian, communist or capitalist, whether belonging to the Old World or the New, who either ignore, trample upon, or extirpate, the racial, religious, or political minorities within the sphere of their jurisdiction, every organized community enlisted under the banner of Baha'u'llah should feel it to be its first and inescapable obligation to nurture, encourage, and safeguard every minority belonging to any faith, race, class, or nation within it.
- Shoghi Effendi
We cherish the hope that the light of justice may shine upon the world and sanctify it from tyranny. If the rulers and kings of the earth, the symbols of the power of God, exalted be His glory, arise and resolve to dedicate themselves to whatever will promote the highest interests of the whole of humanity, the reign of justice will assuredly be established amongst the children of men, and the effulgence of its light will envelop the whole earth.
- Baha'u'llah
The whole human race is submerged in the sea of the mercy of the Lord and we are all the sheep of the one divine shepherd. Whatever shortcomings exist among us must be remedied. For example those who are ignorant must be educated so that they may become wise; the sick must be treated until they recover; those who are immature must be trained in order to reach maturity; those asleep must be awakened. All this must be accomplished through love and not through hatred and hostility.
- Abdu'l-Baha
I say unto you: weigh carefully in the balance of reason and science everything that is presented to you as religion. If it passes this test, then accept it, for it is truth! If, however, it does not so conform, then reject it, for it is ignorance!
- Abdu'l-Baha
For if we remain fettered and restricted by human inventions and dogmas, day by day the world of mankind will be degraded, day by day warfare and strife will increase and satanic forces converge toward the destruction of the human race.
- Abdu'l-Baha
When religion, shorn of its superstitions, traditions, and unintelligent dogmas, shows its conformity with science, then will there be a great unifying, cleansing force in the world which will sweep before it all wars, disagreements, discords and struggles – and then will mankind be united in the power of the Love of God.
- Abdu'l-Baha
The Baha'i Writings emphasize that the establishment of a World Commonwealth, essential for achieving peace on Earth, should aim to foster international justice, love, and peace, in stark contrast to the newly DEFEATED world disorder justifiably perceived with apprehension, due to its materialistic, mercantile and ruthless nature.
Equality is a chimera! It is entirely impracticable! Even if equality could be achieved it could not continue—and if its existence were possible, the whole order of the world would be destroyed. The law of order must always obtain in the world of humanity. Heaven has so decreed in the creation of man.
- Abdu'l-Baha
Good God! is it possible that, seeing one of his fellow-creatures starving, destitute of everything, a man can rest and live comfortably in his luxurious mansion? He who meets another in the greatest misery, can he enjoy his fortune? That is why, in the religion of God, it is prescribed and established that wealthy men each year give over a certain part of their fortune for the maintenance of the poor and unfortunate. That is the foundation of the religion of God, and the most essential of the commandments.
- Abdu'l-Baha
First and foremost is the principle that to all the members of the body politic shall be given the greatest achievements of the world of humanity. Each one shall have the utmost welfare and well-being. To solve this problem we must begin with the farmer; there will we lay a foundation for system and order because the peasant class and the agricultural class exceed other classes in the importance of their service.
- Baha'u'llahIf wholeheartedly impressed, you are warmly encouraged to join us as co-creators in a safe and nurturing environments that values diversity and safeguards individual differences, promoting a global society where efforts are directed towards construction rather than destruction; to EXPLORE and become a part of a peaceful international community led by elected representatives who prioritize the collective good through policies founded on rational thought, in sharp opposition to the avaricious speculation that has contributed to the current global economic and environmental disaster. There is, however, an additional dimension to consider.
The Baha'i Writings emphasize that the establishment of a World Commonwealth, essential for achieving peace on Earth, should aim to foster international justice, love, and peace, in stark contrast to the newly DEFEATED world disorder justifiably perceived with apprehension, due to its materialistic, mercantile and ruthless nature.
The light
of men is Justice. Quench it not with the contrary winds of
oppression and tyranny. The purpose of justice is the appearance of
unity among men. The ocean of divine wisdom surgeth within this
exalted word, while the books of the world cannot contain its inner
Threfore, be PARTICIPANTS, not bystanders, and may the unity of humanity endure!
Be wonderfully blessed!
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Be wonderfully blessed!
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