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- All excerpts are from the Baha'i Writings -
O My friend,
listen with heart and soul
to the songs of the spirit,
and treasure them as thine own eyes.
For the heavenly wisdoms,
like the clouds of spring,
will not rain down on the earth of men’s hearts forever;
and though the grace of the All-Bounteous One
is never stilled and never ceasing,
yet to each time and era a portion is allotted
and a bounty set apart,
this in a given measure.
“And no one thing is there,
but with Us are its storehouses;
and We send it not down but in settled measure.”
This is the springtime of manifestation.
The vernal shower has descended
from the cloud of divine mercy;
the life-giving breeze of the Holy Spirit
is wafting the perfume of blossoms.
From field and meadow rises
a fragrant breath of thanksgiving
like pure incense ascending to the throne of God.
The world has become a new world;
souls are quickened, spirits renewed, refreshed.
Truly it is a time for happiness.
This is the time for growing;
the season for joyous gathering!
Take the cup of the Testament in thy hand;
leap and dance with ecstasy
in the triumphal procession of the Covenant!
Lay your confidence in the everlasting bounty,
turn to the presence of the generous God;
ask assistance from the Kingdom of Abha;
seek confirmation from the Supreme World;
turn thy vision to the horizon of eternal wealth;
and pray for help from the Source of Mercy !
... the Sun of Reality,
when it illumines the horizon of the inner world,
animates, vivifies and quickens
with a divine and wonderful power.
The trees of human minds clothe themselves
in new and verdant robes,
putting on leaves and blossoms
and bearing spiritual fruits
of the heavenly glad tidings.
Then fragrant flowers of inner significances
appear from the soil of human souls,
and the whole being of man
awakens to a new and divine activity.
This is the growth and development
of the inner world
through the effulgent light of divine guidance
and the heat of the fire of the love of God.
Because, in this most momentous of ages,
the Sun of Truth hath risen
at the highest point of the spring equinox,
and cast its rays on every clime,
it shall kindle such tremulous excitement,
it shall release such vibrations in the world of being,
it shall stimulate such growth and development,
it shall stream out with such a glory of light,
and clouds of grace shall
pour down such plentiful waters,
and fields and plains shall teem with such a galaxy
of sweet-smelling plants and blooms,
that this lowly earth will become the Abha Kingdom,
and this nether world the world above.
Then will this fleck of dust be
as the vast circle of the skies,
this human place the palace-court of God,
this spot of clay the dayspring
of the endless favors of the Lord of Lord.
Now the new age is here and creation is reborn.
Humanity hath taken on new life.
The autumn hath gone by,
and the reviving spring is here.
All things are now made new.
Arts and industries have been reborn,
there are new discoveries in science,
and there are new inventions;
even the details of human affairs,
such as dress and personal effects
–even weapons–
all these have likewise been renewed.
The laws and procedures of every government
have been revised.
Renewal is the order of the day.
And all this newness hath its source
in the fresh outpourings of wondrous grace and favor
from the Lord of the Kingdom,
which have renewed the world.
O greatest of glad-tidings,
for the Sun of Truth of the Beauty of Abha
hath dawned from the horizon
of the contingent world
and illumined the regions
with the lights of the mightiest guidance!
The reality of the Pentateuch and the Gospel
have become manifest
and the mysteries of the heavenly Books
have appeared!
Now is the age of the Merciful One
and the time of joy and gladness!
Be wonderfully blessed !
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